
Mitiga Solutions

Leading start-up in the development of technological solutions for the prediction and management of risks derived from climate change

Mitiga Solutions

SDG 13

SDG 13

Climate Action

Mitiga Solutions uses Supercomputing and Artificial Intelligence solutions to increase resilience to climate change and mitigate its effects. Mitiga considers various dynamic factors, such as climate and geophysical conditions, to better assess the impact of increasingly frequent and intense natural risks due to climate change.



Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of certain natural disasters, creating a gap within traditional risk management tools, which are based on past events to predict the future and are therefore becoming obsolete, leaving populations, companies, and assets at risk without adequate prevention models.



By providing their clients with the necessary tools to evaluate, measure and report the risks associated with extreme climatic phenomena, Mitiga allows the scaling up of their models based on physical magnitudes to reduce the social and environmental impact of natural disasters.



Thanks to their models and their Climate Risk Index, Mitiga aims to increase the resilience of populations, companies, and assets in risk areas, promote equality in the face of the consequences of climate change, and reduce CO2 emissions in various areas.

Creas Impacto


Mitigation and Adaptation

