
Call for the ordinary general meeting of partners of Creas Fondo Social, S.L.



Announcement of the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of partners of Creas Fondo Social, SL

By resolution of the Board of Directors dated June 5, 2017, the partners of CREAS FONDO SOCIAL, SL are summoned to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of partners to be held on June 28, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. , in Zaragoza, Calle Joaquín Costa, nº 4, 1st floor, to debate and vote on the following


Order of the day


Examination and approval, where appropriate, of the Annual Accounts corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2016.


Censorship and, where appropriate, approval of the corporate management corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2016.


Examination and, where appropriate, approval of the proposed application of the results for the year ended December 31, 2016.


Re-election of certain members of the Company's Board of Directors.


Cessation and appointment of Directors, if applicable.


Modification of article 18 of the bylaws, in order to establish the remunerated nature of the position of executive director.


Valuation Report of the company.


Requests and questions.


Documentation of agreements


Drafting, reading and, where appropriate, approval of the Minutes of the Meeting or, where appropriate, appointment of auditors for the approval of the minutes of the Meeting.


In accordance with the provisions of article 287 of the Capital Companies Law, the partners have the right to examine the full text of the proposed bylaw amendment at the registered office and to request the delivery or free delivery of said document.


Additionally, the partners are informed that, in accordance with the provisions of article 272.2 of the Capital Companies Act, any partner may obtain from the company, immediately and free of charge, the documents that make up the annual accounts that must be submitted for the approval of the Board.